Total flights for all 2019 operations | |
Average (24hr) flights for 2019 operations | |
Total flights for all 2022 operations | |
Average (24hr) flights for 2022 operations | |
Total flights for all 2023 operations | |
Average (24hr) flights for 2023 operations |
Total flights during 2022 Northerly Winds Daytime operations | N/A |
Average daily number of flights | N/A |
Average altitude of all flights for this operation | N/A feet |
View more detail per flight path, including total flights for the entire path, population overflown, noise contours, and maximum number of flights in one day at your address.
Total flights on this path during 2022 North Flow Daytime operations | N/A |
Population overflown by this path (*inside the shaded path only) | N/A |
Dwellings overflown by this path (*inside the shaded path only) | N/A |
Total flights at this address on this path during 2022 North Flow Daytime operations | N/A |
Max daily number of flights | N/A |
Average daily number of flights | N/A |
Published departure flight paths
Actual departure flight tracks (jet)
Actual departure flight tracks (non-jet)
Published arrival flight paths
Actual arrival flight tracks (jet)
Actual arrival flight tracks (non-jet)