The draft EIS is divided into four parts:
Part A is the introduction and context and includes project details and background information.
Part B is the environmental impact assessment and includes chapters that address potential issues resulting from the project. Some issues are relevant to the whole project and are presented in the project-wide issues chapter. Issues that are specific to certain precincts are addressed in those precinct chapters. Some issues, such as traffic and transport, are considered in both the project-wide and precinct chapters.
Part C is the environmental management and mitigation measures and draft EIS conclusion.
Part D includes detailed supporting information such as technical reports and appendices.
Detailed technical reports on traffic and transport, biodiversity, heritage, hydrology and flooding, contamination, socioeconomic, climate change risk, greenhouse gas, noise and vibration, and landscape character and visual amenity impacts are included as appendices to the draft EIS.
View the parts and chapters of the draft EIS in the sections below.
Read more about Stage 2B.
Download the Stage 2B project summary and EIS guide.