The New England Highway is a major freight and commuter route, passing through Singleton and forms the main road access through the town. The route allows for the transport of goods to domestic and international markets via Newcastle and Sydney. Due to mining activities in the region, the route also accommodates the transport of mining equipment and vehicles, which are often oversize and/or over-mass vehicles.
The project REF was placed on public display between 16 December 2019 and 1 March 2020 for community and stakeholder feedback. Following receipt of submissions, a submissions report, dated 7 August 2020, was prepared to respond to issued received.
The outcomes of the submissions report resulted in the design being further refined in response to issues raised or identified. These refinements were documented in, two addendum REFs for the Project. The addendums also addressed general constructability constraints and were determined in May 2023 and October 2023.
Following award of the detail design and construction contract an additional addendum REF was approved in August 2024 to assess the potential environmental impacts associated with the final detailed design.
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Following award of the Design and Construction contract in November 2023, the project has been modified to provide better access to the Singleton town centre at Putty Road and improved road safety.
The Addendum REF describes the proposed modification, assessing consistency and potential environmental impact along with any additional mitigation measures that may be needed to reduce potential impact of the proposed modification.
Following response to community and stakeholder feedback, Transport has modified the project by providing a full interchange at Putty Road, extended the bridge over the floodplain and reconfigured the design at the southern connection. The full interchange will improve access to Singleton’s town centre from the bypass.
The Addendum REF describes the proposed modification, assessing consistency and potential environmental impacts along with any additional mitigation measures that may be needed to reduce potential impacts of the proposed modification.
Following further consultation with property owners and additional investigations into the project constructability, it was determined that minor existing property acquisition adjustments were required to facilitate construction of the project. In addition, consultation with applicable utility providers, identified that utility adjustment works were also required outside of the REF approval area to tie into existing utilities.
The Addendum REF describes the proposed modification, assessing consistency and potential environmental impacts along with any additional mitigation measures that may be needed to reduce potential impacts of the proposed modification.
The review of environmental factors was publicly displayed for feedback between between December 2019 and March 2020. During this time, Transport invited the public to provide feedback on the proposal. The submissions report summerises the community and stakeholder comments, Transports responses, and details of the decision.
The REF describes the key features of the Singleton Bypass project and assesses the potential environmental and social impacts during construction and operation. The REF document also makes recommendations on measures to manage and minimise potential impacts from the project.
The REF covers topics such as noise, vibration, traffic, air quality, flooding, Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal heritage, and socio-economic, property and biodiversity impacts.