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Early Work
Rozelle to Birchgrove (Stage 1)
Birchgrove to Cammeray (Stage 2)
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PRIVACY STATEMENT: Transport for NSW (“we”) are collecting your personal information in connection with public consultation on the Western Harbour Tunnel, Warringah Freeway Upgrade and Beaches Link projects (“the Program”). We will retain and use this information for consultation purposes, including communications and analysis in connection with the Program.
We may share your submission or complaint with another NSW government agency where relevant having regard to the nature of the submission or complaint. Otherwise, except for anonymous information which does not identify you, we will not publish or disclose your personal information to any third parties without your consent unless authorised by law.
If you do not provide all information as requested, we may not include you on our stakeholder database and you might miss further consultation opportunities.
Your personal information will be held and managed by Transport for NSW in accordance with the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 and you can contact us to access or correct it. Please email us at, write to us at Transport for NSW, Locked Bag 928, North Sydney NSW 2059, or call us on 1800 931 189.
We will email you updates to keep you informed of project milestones and work activities based on your selections below.
You can also contact us via:
Phone: 1800 931 189
Mail: Transport for NSWLocked Bag 928,North Sydney NSW 2059