Other matters
The project area is generally remote from built up areas. Nonetheless, assessments of noise, air quality and public safety have been carried out as part of the EIS.
The construction associated with Exploratory Works will have potential to cause noise and vibration impacts, impacts to local air quality and public safety risks. However, due to the isolated and remote location many of these impacts are not perceptible to identified sensitive receivers.
Perceptible noise impacts are primarily anticipated at Talbingo, for about six weeks during the upgrade of Spillway Road. Consultation with affected residents will be undertaken to determine appropriate management measures. There are safe distances between construction activities and people or buildings so that any vibration impacts will be sufficiently mitigated.
The air quality assessment showed that particulate matter such as dust and suspended particles would not exceed relevant health thresholds. Air quality impacts can be managed using standard environmental management measures including watering of haul roads and reducing vehicle speeds as needed.
Other public safety risks are bushfire, the protection of essential services such as water supply, the transport and handling of dangerous goods, and emergency access and evacuation. These risks will be mitigated through design of buildings, construction areas and other assets to include appropriate bushfire protection standards, and emergency access and evacuation protocols.
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