We recognise a project of this scale will have an unavoidable impact on local communities. This is why extensive community and stakeholder engagement has been carried out since planning for the project started in 2004.
Consultation has included public displays, community feedback and ongoing stakeholder meetings to help identify the preferred route and develop a concept design.
Since the release of the preferred route and concept design in 2010, we have worked with the community and listened to better understand community concerns. We have incorporated your feedback and suggestions into our design where possible.
In 2018, we carried out a wide range of consultation and engagement activities to help refine our design based on community feedback and we worked to reduce community impact where possible.
Most recently, the M1 Pacific Motorway extension to Raymond Terrace Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) was on public exhibition between 28 July 2021 until 24 August 2021. During this time, we carried out a range of consultation activities to engage with you on the EIS, encourage feedback and support the submissions process.
We would like to thank you for meeting our team, engaging with us and providing your valuable feedback.
We have now prepared a submissions report, which responds to the 58 submissions received from the community, NSW Government agencies and local councils during the EIS exhibition period. The submissions report is available on this site via the buttons below as well as on the DPE Major Projects website.
Each submission on the EIS has been examined individually to understand the concerns raised. Where similar issues have been raised in different submissions, only one response has been provided.
The key issues raised are broken down in the following chart. For more information on issues raised, please refer to Section A of the EIS submissions report.
We have carried out extensive community and stakeholder engagement since planning for the project started in 2004. This consultation has included public displays, community feedback and ongoing stakeholder meetings to help identify the preferred route and develop a concept design.
Since the release of the preferred route and concept design in 2010, we have worked with the community and listened to better understand community concerns.
Your feedback was critical in helping us refine the design and make a number of positive changes to the project, which were presented in the EIS. These changes included
Improved direct access from the Pacific Highway into and out of the Hunter Region Botanic Gardens for motorists, pedestrians and cyclists
A centralised interchange located at Old Punt Road to improve connectivity, road transport efficiency and safety for all motorists, and minimise impact with the proposed AGL Power Plant infrastructure project
Improved access to the northbound M1 Motorway entry ramp at Tomago that allows motorists from Newcastle to access the M1 Motorway sooner.
Your feedback received during the EIS exhibition has been used to further refine the project design and update environmental management measures. Further design refinements outlined in the submissions report include but are not limited to:
Improving connectivity from the John Renshaw Drive/Weakleys Drive intersection
We have improved the merge lane for traffic entering the motorway from the John Renshaw Drive/ Weakleys Drive intersection extending it south by about 200 metres. The merge lane extension includes minor widening to the existing M1 Pacific Motorway south-bound carriageway and replacement of the existing adjacent noise wall at this location.
Developing an improved utility relocation plan that benefits the project and service providers
We have refined our utility relocation strategy, following further consultation with service providers. These refinements include grouping of utilities into multi-utility corridors that reduce impacts to the environment, provide cost savings and improve construction staging.
Minimising flood impacts by refining ancillary facilities
Refinements to ancillary facilities and site access have been made along the project corridor. Refinements include reducing the size of ancillary facilities to minimise flood and biodiversity impacts during construction.
Improving cyclist connectivity
We understand the importance of incorporating cyclist improvements to the design wherever possible. Our refined design includes improvements to amenity at Tarro and Tomago and will provide connectivity for future cyclists using the proposed Richmond Vale Rail Trail.
Implementing improved earthworks management practices
Refinements to earthworks management practices have been made to improve materials handling, transport and usage along the project corridor. An earthworks borrow site (area where material has been dug for use at another location) would be established near Black Hill to source and transport materials.
Construction staging
As part of our ongoing consultation with potential construction partners and the wider community, we have identified the opportunity for a staged opening of the project.
By engaging two major construction partners under two separate packages of work, motorists could access improved road networks earlier. The proposed two packages of work include:
Southern package - Black Hill to Tomago
Northern package - Heatherbrae bypass.
By carrying out this staged approach, the Northern package (Heatherbrae bypass) would have a shorter construction duration and could be opened to traffic before the Southern package (Black Hill to Tomago).
A temporary intersection at the tie-in point for the Heatherbrae bypass has been designed to accommodate the potential staged opening of the project.
We know building a project of this scale and significance does not go without impact.
We will have a community contact system in place during construction and will ensure there is a number of ways you can contact us and raise concerns or make enquiries at any time.
We will also be working closely with teams from nearby construction projects to help minimise construction and consultation fatigue in your local area.
We have provided the submissions report to DPE to help inform the Minister for Planning when making a decision on approval of the project.
We expect to have a decision on the project later in 2022. If approved we will build and operate the project in line with conditions of approval set by the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces.
The contractor/s, once appointed, subject to project approval, will also be required to develop detailed environmental management plans to minimise and manage construction impacts. These plans will cover noise and vibration, air quality, traffic and access among others.
We will work with the appointed contractor/s to provide you with regular updates about our planned activities. At this stage we will also be able to provide you with more information on timing of key activities, details of traffic changes and how impacts will be managed.
We are committed to continuing to work collaboratively with our stakeholders and the community throughout the project.