Muswellbrook bypass REF web portal
Transport for NSW thanks the community for providing feedback on the Muswellbrook bypass Review of Environmental Factors (REF).
Transport have prepared a Submissions Report outlining all feedback received and our responses, which is available to view here.
We will continue to keep the public informed as the project progresses. Information about the project, including an interactive map and full REF report can be found on this portal.
Contact us View the REF
Project overview
The NSW Government is delivering a New England Highway bypass of Muswellbrook. The bypass would improve travel times, freight efficiency and safety for all road users.
The New England Highway is a major freight and commuter route forming part of the Sydney to Brisbane corridor of the National Land Transport Network and the primary route connecting the Upper Hunter with Newcastle. The highway currently passes through Muswellbrook, forming the main road access through the town. The route is restricted by numerous intersections and nearby buildings with minimal setback from the road. The highway carries between 11,000 and 20,000 vehicles through the township each day, about 13 per cent being heavy vehicles.
A bypass of Muswellbrook would remove conflicts between local and through vehicles, significantly improving the efficiency of through freight movements along the New England Highway, while also improving safety and local amenity in Muswellbrook.

Community Consultation sessions
Transport for NSW recognises the Muswellbrook bypass is important to the community and are committed to continuing to work with you and adapting to the changing circumstances around COVID-19.
Two virtual information sessions will be held to ensure the community have the opportunity to learn more about the REF and to ask our project team questions. This will also help ensure your safety and comply with COVID-19 restrictions.
Wednesday 24 November
Please click here to join the session
Thursday 25 November
Contact Us
If you have questions or would like more information, contact the project team:
1800 517 222 (business hours)
Make a submission
Transport for NSW would like to thank individual stakeholders and other members of the community for their feedback. Submissions are now closed.
Information sessions and booths
Sydney Gateway is inviting feedback on its concept design. Our team will be in Tempe, Mascot and Wolli Creek from Monday 27 May to Friday 21 June.
Come and meet the team and learn more about the project.
Information sessions:
- Saturday 1 June, 1pm – 4pm – Clock on/off Cafe, Tempe
- Thursday 6 June, 8am – 11am – Patchett's Pies, Mascot
- Thursday 13 June, 4pm – 7pm – Rowers on Cook, Wolli Creek
Information booths:
- Friday 31 May, 10am – 1pm – East Village Shopping Centre
- Wednesday 5 June, 10am – 1:30pm – Mascot Woolworths
- Saturday 8 June, 9am – 12pm – Wolli Creek housing complex
We welcome your feedback throughout all stages of the planning process of Sydney Gateway and look forward to your thoughts on the concept design.
Community Consultation
We will be in the community, to understand the needs of local residents and businesses.
Community Consultation
We will be in the community, to understand the needs of local residents and businesses.
What is an REF?
The REF describes the key features of the Muswellbrook bypass project and assesses the potential environmental and social impacts during construction and operation.
The REF document also makes recommendations on measures to manage and minimise potential impacts from the project.
The REF covers topics such as noise, vibration, traffic, air quality, flooding, Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal heritage, and socio-economic, agricultural property and biodiversity impacts.
The REF display is an opportunity for the community to make comment on the environmental impacts and mitigations for the proposed upgrade.

Explore interactive map
Use the interactive map to learn more about the project
Make a submission
You can make a submission on the EIS to the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE) either online or by posting a letter.
To make a submission online, create a user account on DPIE's Major Projects website. To create a user account click the ‘Sign In’ icon in the top right of the homepage or under the ‘Services’ tab and then click the ‘Have Your Say’ link.
When you are logged in, find the project you want to have your say on, and click the 'Make a Submission' icon.
Anyone can make a submission about the project within the exhibition period, which runs from XXXXX.
Before making your submission, please read DPIE's Privacy Statement or telephone 1300 305 695 for a copy. DPIE will publish your submission on its website in accordance with its Privacy Statement.
If you cannot lodge your submission online, you can write to:
Attention: Director - Transport Assessments
Planning and Assessment
Department of Planning, Industry and Environment
GPO Box 39
If you want DPIE to delete your personal information before publication, please make this clear at the top of your letter. If you post or hand deliver your submission, it needs to be received by DPIE before the close of the exhibition period and include the following:
- Your name and address (at the top of the letter only)
- The name of the application and the application number (Muswellbrook bypass; SSI_7666)
- A statement on whether you support or object to the proposal
- The reasons why you support or object to the proposal
- A declaration of any reportable political donations made in the previous two years.
To find out what is reportable, and for a disclosure form, visit the Donations and Gift Disclosure page or telephone 1300 305 695 for a copy. Note the disclosure requirements apply however a submission is made.
For more information on making a submission about this project, please call DPIE on 1300 305 695.
Helpful links
Acknowledgement of Country
Transport for NSW acknowledges the Wonnarua, the traditional custodians of the land on which the Muswellbrook bypass is proposed. We pay our respects to their Elders, past and present and celebrate the diversity of Aboriginal peoples and their ongoing cultures and connections to their lands and waters.
Many of the transport routes we use today –from rail lines, to roads, to water crossings –follow the traditional Songlines, trade routes and ceremonial paths in Country that our nation’s First Peoples followed for tens of thousands of years.
Before/after facing north
Before/after facing south
Before/after facing north
Before/after facing south
Coal Road overpass - facing north
Realtime capture: bridge
Realtime capture: cutting
Coal Road Connection – North facing design
About the project
Project overview
The NSW Government is delivering a New England Highway bypass of Muswellbrook. The bypass would improve travel times, freight efficiency and safety for all road users.
The New England Highway is a major freight and commuter route forming part of the Sydney to Brisbane corridor of the National Land Transport Network and the primary route connecting the Upper Hunter with Newcastle. The highway currently passes through Muswellbrook, forming the main road access through the town. The route is restricted by numerous intersections and nearby buildings with minimal setback from the road. The highway carries between 11,000 and 20,000 vehicles through the township each day, about 13 per cent being heavy vehicles.
A bypass of Muswellbrook would remove conflicts between local and through vehicles, significantly improving the efficiency of through freight movements along the New England Highway, while also improving safety and local amenity in Muswellbrook.
Project benefits
- Improved network efficiency on the New England Highway, particularly travel times for long haul freight movements
- Improved safety for all road users in the town centre, particularly relating to heavy and light vehicle interactions
- Improved amenity of Muswellbrook township.
Community consultation sessions
Transport for NSW recognises the Muswellbrook bypass is important to the community and are committed to continuing to work with you and adapting to the changing circumstances around COVID-19.
Two virtual information sessions will be held to ensure the community have the opportunity to learn more about the REF and to ask our project team questions. This will also help ensure your safety and comply with COVID-19 restrictions.
Wednesday 10 November
Thursday 11 November