Flight Paths
Noise Contour Legend
Flight Paths
Noise Contour Legend
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Hic, ipsum? Iure, temporibus eligendi. Accusantium eveniet optio repellat non, saepe tempore assumenda ullam nostrum veniam, iure, quisquam ducimus. Praesentium, consectetur beatae.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Hic, ipsum? Iure, temporibus eligendi. Accusantium eveniet optio repellat non, saepe tempore assumenda ullam nostrum veniam, iure, quisquam ducimus. Praesentium, consectetur beatae.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Hic, ipsum? Iure, temporibus eligendi. Accusantium eveniet optio repellat non, saepe tempore assumenda ullam nostrum veniam, iure, quisquam ducimus. Praesentium, consectetur beatae.
The flight path data collected by The Melbourne Airport Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
Referred to as dB(A), convey the loudness of a sound by accounting for the varying sensitivity of the human ear to difference frequencies.
A publication containing aeronautical information of a lasting character essential to air navigation. The AIP contains details of regulations, procedures and other information pertinent to the operation of aircraft.
Contours that display the aircraft noise exposure patterns around an airport. These contours help land-use planning of acceptable development in close proximity to the airport.
The principal planning document required under the Airports Act 1996, setting out a 20-year plan for each leased federal airport.
A Commonwealth-owned airport can only be leased to a company. The company is called an airport- lessee company, which in the case of Melbourne Airport is Australia Pacific Airports Corporation Limited (APAC).
Government-owned corporation which provides national air navigation service and aviation rescue fire-fighting services.
A map of noise contours based on aircraft operations at an airport in the future. ANEC maps are based on assumptions of future operations. These contours form the basis of an ANEF.
A system developed as a land-use planning tool to control encroachment on airports by noise- sensitive buildings. ANEFs are the official forecasts of future noise exposure patterns around an airport and they constitute the contours on which land-use planning authorities base their controls.
Contours developed under the ANEF framework showing historic noise exposure patterns used in environmental reporting and benchmarking
Buffer zones have been included in flight path diagrams within the MDP and Noise Tool to highlight the design stage of the airspace/flight paths. A concept design has been prepared for the MDP and further refinement will occur during the detailed airspace design process should the MDP be approved.
The Flight paths are depicted in the MDP and Noise Tool as a broad band or swathe based around a centreline track it is not possible for aircraft to track precisely along a single line.
The scenario in which the M3R is constructed and operational in accordance with this MDP.
An independent statutory authority responsible for regulating aviation safety in Australia and the safety of Australian aircraft overseas.
An aircraft that has a wingspan of between 24 metres and up to but not including 36 metres. Examples are the Airbus A320 series and Boeing 737 series.
An aircraft that has a wingspan of between 52 metres and up to but not including 65 metres. Examples are the Airbus A330 and Boeing 747-400/787
An aircraft that has a wingspan of between 65 metres and up to but not including 80 metres. An example is the Airbus A380.
An aircraft operating technique allowing the execution of a flight profile optimised to the performance of aircraft, leading to significant economy of fuel and environmental benefits in terms of noise and emissions reduction.
An aircraft operating technique in which an arriving aircraft descends from an optimal position with minimum thrust and avoids level flight to the extent permitted by the safe operation of the aircraft and compliance with published procedures and ATC instructions.
Airspace of defined dimensions within which air traffic control services are provided in accordance with airspace classifications.
A State land-use planning zone to control use of the land and to recognise, protect and conserve green wedge land for its agricultural, environmental, historic, landscape, recreational and tourism opportunities, and mineral and stone resources.
A series of predetermined manoeuvres that provide specific protection from obstacles and terrain. An IAP is used for the orderly transfer of an aircraft from the end of the STAR to a landing, or to a point from which a landing may be executed visually.
Procedures to govern flight when the pilot is unable to navigate using visual references under visual flight rules. This involves flying by reference to instruments in the flight deck and navigating by reference to electronic signals.
A navigational aid that provides both directional and glide slope guidance for aircraft landing on a runway at an airport.
The equivalent continuous sound level is the energy average of the A-weight noise level over a sample period.
The maximum A-weighted noise level that is either predicted or recorded over a period.
A requirement under the Airports Act 1996 for airport-lessee companies to provide information to the Commonwealth Government and the public about significant planned development on leased federal airport sites.
A planning control used to limit noise-sensitive uses and the impacts of aircraft noise on development through measures designed to minimise the noise. The areas where these controls apply are determined by an airport’s forecast aircraft noise exposure contours (ANEF).
Refers to the collective airspace around Melbourne including Melbourne Airport, Essendon Fields Airport, Moorabbin Airport, Avalon Airport and RAAF Base Point Cook.
Contours indicating the number of noise events that exceed a certain level. For example, an N70 contour level shows the number of events above 70 dB(A)
A scenario in which M3R is not constructed, in which Melbourne Airport remains a two-runway airport for the indefinite future.
Specify which operating mode will be selected based on the available modes due to meteorological conditions, time of day, demand and a set of mode priorities
A standard route identified in an instrument departure procedure by which aircraft should proceed from take-off phase to the en-route phase of a flight.
A standard route identified in an approach procedure by which aircraft should proceed from the en-route phase of a flight to an initial approach fix.
A planning scheme boundary set to control urban sprawl by mandating that the area inside the boundary be used for higher-density urban development, and the area outside be used for lower- density non-urban development.
A set of regulations under which a pilot operates an aircraft in weather conditions generally clear enough to allow the pilot to see where the aircraft is going.
Date | Description |
April 7th, 2022 |
March 27th, 2022 |
February 18th, 2022 |
February 14th, 2022 |
January 30th, 2022 |