Trip calculator

Find out how much time you'll save with the Albion Park Rail bypass on typical journeys between Yallah and Oak Flats.

Step 1

Choose your start location by selecting a hotspot from the map.

Step 2

Choose your end location by selecting a hotspot from the map or choose a different start location.

Trip calculator

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Estimated Travel Time

From Yallah
to Albion Park
during PM peak
Without bypass
12.3 mins
With bypass
3.7 mins
Which saves you
8.6 mins (8 minutes 36 seconds)
Without bypass is travelling from Yallah to Terry Street/Tongarra Road intersection via Prices Highway and Illawarra Highway in 2041 without the bypass during PM peakhour traffic. "With bypass" is travelling from Yallah to the Terry Street/Tongarra Road intersection via the new Albion Park Rail bypass in 2041 during PM peakhour traffic.

*Above values reflect travel times extracted from the 2041 Do minimum and 2041 Design for Approval TRACKS models

Trip calculator

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Estimated Travel Time

From Yallah
to Oak Flats
during PM peak
Without bypass
17.3 mins
With bypass
6.7 mins
Which saves you
10.6 mins (10 minutes 36 seconds)
Without bypass is travelling from Yallah to Oak Flats via Princes Highway in 2041 without the bypass during PM peakhour traffic. "With bypass" is travelling from Yallah to Oak Flats in 2041 via the new Albion Park Rail bypass during PM peakhour traffic.

*Above values reflect travel times extracted from the 2041 Do minimum and 2041 Design for Approval TRACKS models

Trip calculator

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Estimated Travel Time

From Albion Park
to Yallah
during AM peak
Without bypass
11.6 mins
With bypass
3.6 mins
Which saves you
8.1 mins (8 minutes 6 seconds)
Without bypass is travelling from Terry Street/Tongarra Road intersection to Yallah via Illawarra Highway and Prices Highway in 2041 without the bypass during AM peakhour traffic. "With bypass" is travelling from Terry Street/Tongarra Road intersection to Yallah in 2041 via the new Albion Park Rail bypass during AM peakhour traffic.

*Above values reflect travel times extracted from the 2041 Do minimum and 2041 Design for Approval TRACKS models

Trip calculator

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Estimated Travel Time

From Albion Park
to Oak Flats
during PM peak
Without bypass
7.8 mins
With bypass
2.7 mins
Which saves you
5.1 mins (5 minutes 6 seconds)
Without bypass is travelling from Terry Street/Tongarra Road intersection to Oak Flats via Tongarra Road in 2041 without the bypass during PM peakhour traffic. "With bypass" is travelling from Terry Street/Tongarra Road intersection to Oak Flats in 2041 via the new Albion Park Rail bypass during PM peakhour traffic.

*Above values reflect travel times extracted from the 2041 Do minimum and 2041 Design for Approval TRACKS models

Trip calculator

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Estimated Travel Time

From Oak Flats
to Albion Park
during AM peak
Without bypass
7.2 mins
With bypass
2.7 mins
Which saves you
4.4 mins (4 minutes 24 seconds)
Without bypass is travelling from Oak Flats to Terry Street/Tongarra Road intersection via Tongarra Road in 2041 without the bypass during AM peakhour traffic. "With bypass" is travelling from Oak Flats to the Terry Street/Tongarra Road intersection in 2041 via the new Albion Park Rail bypass during AM peakhour traffic.

*Above values reflect travel times extracted from the 2041 Do minimum and 2041 Design for Approval TRACKS models

Trip calculator

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Estimated Travel Time

From Oak Flats
to Yallah
during AM peak
Without bypass
18.4 mins
With bypass
6.7 mins
Which saves you
11.7 mins (11 minutes 42 seconds)
Without bypass is travelling from Oak Flats to Yallah via Princes Highway in 2041 without the bypass during AM peakhour traffic. "With bypass" is travelling from Oak Flats to Yallah in 2041 via the new Albion Park Rail bypass during AM peakhour traffic.

*Above values reflect travel times extracted from the 2041 Do minimum and 2041 Design for Approval TRACKS models