The Pacific Highway (Maitland Road) is a critical link in the National Land Transport Network, providing access to and from the Port of Newcastle. It carries some of the highest traffic volumes in the Hunter. Around 50,000 motorists use this section of the highway daily. This upgrade will reduce congestion during peak periods and ensure the Pacific Highway at Hexham is prepared to handle future growth.
The proposal:
Widening six kilometres of Maitland Road from four to six lanes
Demolition and replacement of the existing bridge over Ironbark Creek/Toohrnbing
Relocating utilities
U-turn facilities on Sparke Street, Shamrock Street and Old Maitland Road
Modifying existing intersections along the route
Improved cyclist and pedestrian connectivity.
Key Benefits:
Improve the connection between Newcastle and the New England Highway, M1 Motorway and the Pacific Highway
Improve traffic flow for motorists and freight for more reliable travel times
Support economic growth at key employment areas such as the Port of Newcastle and Greater Newcastle
Improve safety for all road users.