Icon representing Empower customers to make sustainable choices

Focus area 8

Empower customers to make sustainable choices

We are helping customers understand what sustainable transport options are available, and encouraging them to make more sustainable transport choices.

Our goal

Use customer journeys to inform, engage and inspire more sustainable practices and demonstrate our progress

Why it's important

With close to 8.2 million people living in NSW, helping our customers to make informed decisions around sustainable transport options can have a tangible impact.

By encouraging more people to reduce their private car use and choosing public transport, walking or cycling, we will improve road safety and enhance environmental, social and economic sustainability outcomes.

Use customer journeys to inform, engage and inspire more sustainable practices and demonstrate our progress

In the 2022-23 financial year, the Opal card network recorded approximately 623 million trips across all modes of transport in NSW. Customer feedback and insights gathered from this data help refine our service options, encouraging customers to opt for more sustainable choices.

As part of our commitment to meeting evolving customer needs, we're expanding multi-mode and active transport options. Our Active Transport Strategy, launched in 2022, aims to double the number of walking and cycling trips made in the next 20 years.

Using travel demand management initiatives, we can create and operate a more efficient, sustainable, equitable and accessible transport network, and positively influence travel behaviour.

To ensure optimal utilisation of space and create safer streets for all road users, we utilise the Movement and Place Framework and the Road User Space Allocation Policy.

We're dedicated to creating an equitable, accessible, and safe transport system for everyone. Initiatives such as the Transport Access Program, Commuter Car Park Program, electric vehicle strategy, Park&Ride, and More Trains, More Services program are key to making public transport more accessible, removing barriers to private vehicle dependence.

All these efforts come together to offer sustainable, convenient, and multi-modal transportation solutions for our communities.

Road user consideration order under the Road User Space Allocation Policy

Order of road user space considerataions

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