Aligning to global sustainability goals

Our eight focus areas are aligned to the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

What are the SDGs?

The SDGs are a universal call-to-action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030. The goals recognise that we must balance social, economic and environmental sustainability in development.

At Transport, we collaborate with a broad range of stakeholders from industry, domestic and international agencies, and our communities across NSW. With our scale and reach, we are in a key position to drive positive impact at scale and accelerate progress towards achieving the 2030 goals.

We have aligned our eight focus areas with the UN SDGs and will provide updates on how we are progressing against these goals.

Tap on a SDG card to learn more
Hover on a SDG card to learn more

Find out more

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Where do the SDGs and Transport overlap?

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