Icon representing Partner with communities

Focus area 5

Partner with communities

We are working with communities to ensure we are meeting their needs as we work to create a sustainable, safe, reliable and accessible Transport network.

Our goals

Leave a positive legacy for communities as a result of projects

Enable, apply and report on community engagement

Why it's important

Transport networks of the future will be determined by how communities function and their emerging needs.

Thriving communities need access to affordable and reliable transport. By connecting places and communities, we can enhance social inclusion and local economies, while providing significant social, cultural and environmental benefits.

Leave a positive legacy for communities as a result of projects

At the end of 2021, the population of NSW was more than eight million with this number expected to grow to 15.6 million by 2066. We recognise that creating exceptional community spaces relies on the interconnection between social, cultural, economic, and environmental factors. Our initiatives focus on promoting social inclusion and local economic growth with the goal of leaving a positive and lasting legacy for communities.

A 2021 survey revealed 45 per cent increase in the use of public spaces post-pandemic. In response, we delivered “The Festival of Place…in your streets” from October 2021 to June 2023. This initiative, brought to life in collaboration with 93 local councils and state agencies, revitalised streets across NSW. By rejuvenating public spaces, we’re continuing to improve community areas and provide vital support to local businesses and musicians.

Enable, apply and report on community engagement

We are committed to meeting the needs of our diverse communities and customers. By working together, we aim to improve local amenities, liveability and sustainable transport options. Our collaboration efforts focus on creating vibrant and socially-connected communities, leading to improved quality of life, health, and socioeconomic wellbeing.

We know meaningful community engagement plays a vital role in the successful delivery of our projects. The Stakeholder and Community Engagement Policy guides our interactions with individuals and communities involved in or impacted by our projects.

As part of the Safer Cities program, we’re investing $30 million to enhance urban spaces and make them safer for women, girls and gender-diverse individuals. We’ve taken a co-design approach, drawing on community feedback to shape our strategies in collaboration with other government agencies and local councils. Through extensive community consultation, our Safer Cities Survey collected critical insights into how people feel about public safety. This information has led us to develop the Great Places Toolkit, a key resource aimed at transforming public places into spaces that are both safer and more inclusive for everyone.