Icon representing Protect and enhance biodiversity

Focus area

Protect and enhance biodiversity

Transport’s priority is to protect biological diversity and enhance and regenerate the environments we operate in.

Our goal

No net loss of biodiversity as a result of our infrastructure development program

Why it's important

Australian ecosystems are rich in biodiversity and contain many species not found anywhere else in the world.

At Transport, we understand that biodiversity is vital for supporting life on Earth, providing clean air and water, as well as healthy ecosystems and fertile soils. Biodiversity is all encompassing and includes flora and fauna, genetic diversity and ecosystem diversity. Our approach to biodiversity management is underpinned by the principle of applying an avoid, minimise, mitigate, offset hierarchy.

No net loss of biodiversity as a result of our infrastructure development program

Icon representing Protect and enhance biodiversity

Spanning the length and breadth of NSW, our network of public roads and rail infrastructure includes vegetated sections of road, rail, drainage lines, waterways and linear reserves that often contain important biodiversity and habitat connectivity.

As our transport network continues to grow and improve, building and operating infrastructure that has the least possible impact on biodiversity is vitally important.

We use sustainable infrastructure design and conduct detailed assessments to archive our goal. Through our Biodiversity Guidelines and Biodiversity Policy, we strive to improve and protect biodiversity on land and below water. We also participate in the NSW Biodiversity Offset Scheme with the aim of going beyond the statutory offset requirements.

In the last financial year, we have used measures such as:

  • careful clearing protocols comprising the identification and protection of environmentally sensitive areas
  • the provision of dedicated fauna connectivity structures such as fauna exclusion fencing
  • the promotion of fish passage through well-designed culverts
  • habitat supplementation activities such as artificial hollows
  • integration of microbat habitat in bridges
  • tree replacement programs
  • seed collection and plant propagation activities

Case studies and highlights

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