The Australian Government and NSW Government are investing $420 million to upgrade the Pacific Highway through the Wyong Town Centre.
The project will provide two lanes in each direction from Johnson Road at Tuggerah through Wyong Town Centre, and replace the Wyong River road bridge with a new four lane bridge.
The upgrade will improve traffic flow, travel times and safety for all road users as well as provide for future improvements to the public transport network.
Key features of the project include:
Widening of the Pacific Highway to provide two lanes in each direction, with a central median
Upgraded intersections with local roads, improving accessibility between the Pacific Highway and residential and commercial areas in Tuggerah, Wyong and Watanobbi
New active transport facilities including a dedicated off-road cycleway, a connected shared path network and pedestrian footpath improvements
An expanded rail commuter car park at Rose Street, to offset impact caused by the removal of existing commuter parking on the eastern and western sides of Wyong station
A new wider, higher and longer bridge over Wyong River, with demolition of the existing bridge
A new wider and longer bridge over the Main North Railway at Rose Street, with demolition of the existing bridge
A new entrance to Wyong train station at Church Street, with improved urban amenity and landscaping
Relocated bus facilities and a new bus layover facility on the eastern side of Wyong station
Find out more about the refined Concept Design:
For further information about upgrades on the Wyong Town Centre, please contact:
Phone: 1800 864 889 (during business hours)
Mail: Attention: Ryan Massurit - Project Manager, Locked Bag 2030, Newcastle NSW 2300