Western Sydney Parklands Biobanking Site
Native vegetation
National Parks and Wildlife Services estate
Certified lands
Property access changes
Construction haulage routes
Existing path to be retained/relocated
New shared user path
Proposed walkways and cycleways
Proposed road
Existing bike track
Existing bike track -
to be removed -
WSP boundary
Sydney International Shooting Centre boundary
New BMX track / Pump track
New parking
Existing entry area -
to be removed -
Social infrastructure
Impacted properties
Non-Aboriginal heritage items - state significant
Non-Aboriginal heritage items - locally significant
State and potentially nationally signficant
Predicted noise levels
>70 dBA
65 to 70 dBA
60 to 65 dBA
55 to 60 dBA
50 to 55 dBA
45 to 50 dBA
<45 dBA
Predicted change in noise level
>2 dB
0 to 2 dB
<0 dB
Flood depth
< 0.2m
0.2 to 0.5m
0.5 to 1.0m
1.0 to 1.5m
1.5 to 2.0m
> 2.0m
Flood velocity
0.25 to 0.5ms-1
0.5 to 1.0ms-1
1.0 to 2.0ms-1
> 2.0ms-1
Critical transport corridors
Pasture grass
P1 - Grassland mix
P2 - Riparian margins mix
P3 - Native shrub (frangible) mix
P4 - Forest mix
P5 - River flat forrest mix
P6 - Water quality treatment mix
P6 - Permanent water basin
Broadacre Cumberland Plain Woodland
Cumberland Hills Open Woodland Revegetation
Swamp Oak Forest
River-Flat Forest on Alluvial Flats
Shale-Gravel Transition Open Forest
Structured Plantings