We are continuing work to build the new Alfred Street off ramp and upgrade the Mount Street and Alfred Street North intersection in North Sydney. To complete the work sooner with less impacts and reduce noisy night work, we will implement a long-term closure of the Alfred Street off ramp and a southbound section of Alfred Street North between Kurraba Road and Mount Street.
From 10pm Friday 22 November 2024, access from the Warringah Freeway to the Alfred Street off ramp and southbound access on Alfred Street North from Kurraba Road to Mount Street will be temporarily closed to all traffic until mid-2025, weather permitting.
We have developed a new proposal for how we will construct the future dedicated bus lane, Mount Street underpass and Alfred Street North overpass structure which would have significant benefits for the community. These benefits include:
Completing work in this area 6 months earlier
Removing around 90 nights of noisy work
Removing up to 10 weekends of extended work
Eliminating 5 traffic changes that would otherwise be needed in this location.
To achieve these benefits, we will implement a long-term temporary closure (24/7) of the Alfred Street off ramp from 22 November 2024 until mid-2025.
From 10pm Friday 22 November 2024, the following traffic changes will be in place until mid 2025, weather permitting:
access to the Alfred Street off ramp from the Warringah Freeway will be temporarily closed to all traffic
Alfred Street North from Kurraba Road to Mount Street will be closed to all traffic. Pedestrian access will be maintained.
southbound traffic along Alfred Street North will detour via Kurraba Road, Neutral Bay for access to Clark Road and High Street
access to Warringah Freeway via the Mount Street on ramps to Sydney CBD will be maintained.
Motorists are advised to use Pacific Highway and High Street (untolled) for alternative southbound access to Kirribilli and Neutral Bay.
Click here to view the alternative access map while this temporary closure is in place from Friday 22 November 2024 until mid-2025.
Click here to view the Alfred Street North Long-Term Closure Traffic Management Plan.
Residents may experience periods of high noise throughout this work. The level of impact will vary depending on the proximity to work locations. To minimise the impact of this work we will:
turn off machinery when not in use
use acoustic blankets to minimise noise, where feasible
direct temporary lighting down and away from houses
fit equipment with devices to minimise noise, particularly non-tonal reversing beepers.
All work will be carried out in line with the project’s environmental approvals. All our work zones and equipment laydown areas will be separated from local traffic, pedestrians and cyclists.
Click here to view the full detour map for the Alfred Street off ramp closure
Click here to view the local road detour map for the Alfred Street off ramp closure
Click here to read the notification about the Alfred Street off ramp closure
What is the detour?
All traffic travelling to Alfred Street North, Whaling Road and High Street via the Alfred Street off ramp will be required to use alternative routes.
Access for general motorists to North Sydney, Kirribilli and Neutral Bay will continue to be maintained via Pacific Highway.
Southbound access on Alfred Street North from Kurraba Road to Mount Street will also be temporarily closed to all traffic (pedestrian access will be maintained). Alternative access to Clark Road and High Street will be via Kurraba Road.
Will the Falcon Street/Military Road off ramp be available?
Yes, the Falcon Street off ramp will be available, however will remain tolled.
Will I be affected if I want to use the Harbour Tunnel or Harbour Bridge?
Access to the Sydney Harbour Tunnel and Harbour Bridge does not change due to this closure. Ongoing temporary lane and tunnel closures will continue though due to ongoing upgrade works. Please visit livetraffic.com for the latest updates.
While the closure will impact people travelling to Kirribilli, North Sydney and Neutral Bay, motorists using the freeway to get to the Sydney CBD will not be impacted.
Will the detour add any additional time to people’s journeys?
It is expected that detours using the Pacific Highway will add approximately 15 minutes extra travel time during peak periods. Please plan ahead, allow extra travel time, follow the direction of signage and use extra caution while adjusting to your new, temporary route. Visit livetraffic.com for the latest updates.
Public transport alternatives, such as the T1 North Shore line, Metro and bus services provide connectivity to North Sydney, Kirribilli and Neutral Bay.
Will there be other traffic changes associated with these works?
In addition to the temporary closure of the Alfred Street off ramp from the Warringah Freeway, from 10pm Friday 22 November 2024 until mid 2025, weather permitting, other traffic changes include:
Alfred Street North from Kurraba Road to Mount Street will be closed to all traffic. Pedestrian access will be maintained.
Alfred Street North southbound traffic will detour via Kurraba Road, Neutral Bay for access to Clark Road and High Street
access will continue to be maintained to Warringah Freeway via the Mount Street on ramps to Sydney CBD.
Motorists are advised to use Pacific Highway and High Street (untolled) for alternative southbound access to Kirribilli and Neutral Bay.
How will motorists access North Sydney, Kirribilli, and Neutral Bay?
For those who travel south along the Warringah Freeway to access North Sydney, Kirribilli and Neutral Bay, the last toll-free exit will be the Pacific Highway at Artarmon.
Access to Alfred Street North from the Pacific Highway will be via Falcon Street and then Bent Street.
Alternative local access routes also include travel via High Street, Whaling Road, Clark Road and Darley Street.
What is the expected travel time from Longueville Road and Pacific Highway at Artarmon to High Street, North Sydney?
There will be up to 15 minutes additional travel time during peak travel periods at this location, however during off peak times we expect the travel time to be around an additional 5 minutes.
What signage will be in place to help me navigate these changes?
Temporary and permanent variable message signage will be in place along the M7, M2, Lane Cove Tunnel and prior to on-ramps to the Freeway advising of the closure.
What do you anticipate the traffic impacts to school traffic in Kirribilli will be?
Our planning for the closure considered all schools in the local area potentially affected by the closure. We acknowledge this is a major, temporary traffic change that will require additional travel time. This closure will coincide with both the summer and Easter school holidays, so will not impact students for 8-12 weeks (depending on their school) of the overall closure. We thank all the surrounding community for their continued patience while we safely complete this important upgrade.
How will access to Whaling Road be maintained during the closure?
Access to Whaling Road will continue to be maintained via the High Street to Alfred Street North slip lane, travelling from Kirribilli via Clark Road and North Sydney CBD using Pacific Highway, Berry Street and Walker Street to High Street.
A local access map is being developed and will be available to view before the ramp closure at our online dedicated portal page using this link nswroads.work/wfu-alfredstofframp or scan the QR code:
Will Pacific Highway traffic lights be phased to optimise network efficiency?
Being the major movement at most signalised intersections, the Pacific Highway is already prioritised in terms of traffic light phasing. We will assess the need to change phase times at various intersections including along the Pacific Highway throughout the closure period.
What traffic modelling or assessments have been completed?
We have completed traffic assessments for each alternative route. Sufficient capacity is available via the Pacific Highway, which is the recommended toll-free alternative route.
What public transport alternatives are available during the closure?
There will be no bus impacts due to the Alfred Street off ramp closure. We encourage motorists to consider using public transport alternatives including train, Metro, ferry and bus services. Plan your travel using Trip Planner at Transportnsw.info.
What are the impacts to alternative detour options including Clark Road, Military Road, and Ben Boyd Road?
Depending on where you are coming from, there will be up to 5 to 15 minutes of additional travel time during peak morning periods for each alternative route. Should you choose to use the Military Road off ramp (tolled), and then travel via Ben Boyd Road and Clark Road, your journey would take no more than 10 mins extra during peak travel periods, compared to using the Alfred Street off ramp.
Please plan ahead and allow extra travel time to North Sydney, Kirribilli and Neutral Bay, or consider using public transport to avoid delays.
What if people miss the final off ramp and end up on the Harbour Bridge?
If people unintentionally end up crossing the Sydney Harbour Bridge, the first available U-turn is just south of the Bridge. To do this, use lane 6 to cross the Bridge. At the end of the Bridge, follow signs to the Western Suburbs and keep left to take the exit for York Street. Take the first right at Jamison Street then continue to follow the signs to head back to the Harbour Bridge.
If you would like to contact the team about your journey, please call 1800 931 189 or email whtbl@transport.nsw.gov.au.
Can you turn the Military Road/ Falcon Street tolls off?
The toll ($2.04 for private vehicles) will remain in place for the duration of the ramp closure. This provides the option for people to choose the quicker route and pay a toll, or choose the alternative routes that are toll-free, but which may take longer.
If you have any extenuating circumstances you would like to discuss with the project, please complete the Community Impact Survey here, or get in touch with the team directly via whtbl@transport.nsw.gov.au or 1800 931 189.
Why won't the toll be turned off at Falcon Street/Military Road during this time?
The Falcon Street/Military Road southbound off ramp does not have adequate capacity to accommodate the number of vehicles currently using the Alfred Street southbound off ramp in addition to those that already use the ramp. An assessment has been carried out on the potential outcomes should all vehicles from the Alfred Street southbound off ramp switch to using this off ramp, and it was found that this would cause unacceptable impacts on the wider road network, including long queues extending from the ramp into southbound Warringah Freeway lanes.
What is Transport for NSW doing to reduce impacts to people?
Residents of Alfred Street North and adjoining streets have faced multiple years of noisy night work and other disruption while we build the Warringah Freeway Upgrade.
We have planned a long-term closure of the Alfred Street off ramp to allow the project to deliver this work more efficiently and carry out more work during standard construction hours to minimise the impacts from noise at nights.
We acknowledge this closure will affect local residents in Kirribilli, North Sydney and Neutral Bay by adding time to their journeys due to the required detours.
We apologise in advance for the disruption, however; this closure will allow the project to complete key aspects of the work, including the completion of the dedicated bus lane, more quickly.
We are providing residents and visitors to the area with advanced warning of the closure and will have clear signage in place to advise of the required detours.
Residents may experience periods of high noise throughout this work. The level of impact will vary depending on the proximity to work locations. To minimise the impact of this work we will:
turn off machinery when not in use
use acoustic blankets to minimise noise, where feasible
direct temporary lighting down and away from houses
fit equipment with devices to minimise noise, particularly non-tonal reversing beepers.
All work will be carried out in line with the project’s environmental approvals. All our work zones and equipment laydown areas will be separated from local traffic, pedestrians and cyclists.
What work will be carried out during this time?
During this work, we will be:
• installing concrete safety barriers, fencing and signage
• relocating and installing utility services
• removing excavated materials and site levelling
• demolishing existing and building new retaining walls and medians
• installing scaffolding, planks, and bridge structures
• asphalting and concreting work
• installing and removing line markings
• installing new street lighting, signage and landscaping.
Are businesses being impacted?
From 6 November 2024, we have been engaging closely with Neutral Bay businesses to seek feedback to understand how they use the freeway. This will enable us to develop the most appropriate mitigation measures.
Access to businesses on Alfred Street North will be maintained during the closure via High Street, Whaling Road, and Little Alfred Street North. A temporary loading zone will be in place on Whaling Road for deliveries.
Will there be noise/vibration impacts associated with these works?
High noise impacts and vibrations are expected from this work during the day. The exact impacts will depend on the proximity of your property to the work area. Noisy work includes saw-cutting, rock-breaking, hammering, demolition and hydro-demolition.
Residents will be informed in advance of any noisy work.
Has the community been consulted?
From 6 November 2024, we have been engaging with the North Sydney, Neutral Bay and Kirribilli communities to seek feedback to understand how they use the freeway, so we can develop the most appropriate mitigation measures for those most impacted.
What mitigations have been developed in response to survey feedback?
We thank everyone for your feedback received in our recent community survey about the Alfred Street off ramp closure. From your responses, we have developed some initial mitigation measures that will be offered to those highly impacted during the closure period.
These measures include financial assistance for identified motorists using tolled routes, increased static and variable messaging signage, alternative access maps and ensuring alternative access is maintained to residential properties and businesses, including toll-free routes.
Why didn’t the project consult with the community?
The Warringah Freeway Upgrade project is complex and our Planning Approval allows for these types of changes to be made. We have consulted with the community regarding the impacts this closure may cause so we can assess what mitigation measures we can put in place.
In keeping with our commitment to reduce impacts to the community where possible, we have been exploring options to construct the new Alfred Street off ramp structure and retaining walls in the most efficient possible way. To reduce the duration of ongoing noise and vibration impacts of this work, we identified an opportunity to temporarily close access to the off ramp 24/7. This temporary closure allows us to set up safe work areas at the off ramp, giving us consecutive daytime access to carry out work.
Where are the published results of the survey?
For confidentiality reasons, the survey data will not be publicly available. We will collate the feedback received and publish the total number of responses received. The survey will continue to be available for feedback and to apply for additional mitigations for the duration of the ramp closure.