Snowy Hydro has consulted with government agencies, industry and environment groups, business and the community. As Exploratory Works are within Kosciuszko National Park (KNP), a primary focus of engagement activities has been to better understand and increase knowledge of:
- recreational values and impacts in consultation with National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) and recreational users;
- conservation values and impacts in consultation with NPWS, NSW Office of Environment and Heritage and Commonwealth Department of Environment and Energy;
- land management objectives and opportunities that can benefit both recreational and conservational values of KNP; and
- perceptions of local communities towards the project, including concerns and expectations, to identify key issues and opportunities for residents, local government, businesses and stakeholders in the region.
Snowy Hydro has been working closely with NPWS to ensure the development of Exploratory Works avoids and minimises impacts as far as possible, and provides an opportunity for long term management benefits after works are completed.
Feedback from the community and general public received before and during the preparation of this EIS was very positive. Matters raised relating to local town benefits (employment, business), recreation and tourism, environment and heritage impacts, road use and other issues are responded to and addressed throughout this EIS.
Above: Overview of engagement with the community and industry groups. Source: Exploratory Works for Snowy 2.0 EIS (EMM 2018)
Above: Overview of engagement. Source: Exploratory Works for Snowy 2.0 EIS (EMM 2018)