Frequently asked questions
A. The urban design component of the project will provide a major benefit to the Rozelle community. The provision of around 9.5 hectares of green space will allow connectivity from the new parkland at the old Rozelle Rail Yards to the Rozelle Bay, as well as opportunities for adding to the cultural identity of the precinct. The exhibition and feedback process enables the community to take part in creating this legacy.
The UDLP is a design plan required by the Minister’s Conditions of Approval (E133 and E134). The document details aspects of urban design and landscaping the project is required to include in the UDLP.
A. Transport for NSW has announced the establishment of a Technical Working Group to determine a range of factors relating to the Rozelle Parklands that are not covered in the UDLP. The group will consist of NSW government agencies, Inner West Council and community members. The Technical Working Group will seek expressions of interest from community members in the coming weeks. Please contact if you have any further questions.
A. The Department of Planning, Industry and Environment is currently assessing The Crescent Overpass Modification. Transport for NSW is confident the Modification will meet the relevant criteria, however if the modification is not approved, further consultation will be carried out on the Urban Design and Landscaping elements of the area affected.
A. Transport for NSW will prepare a Residual Land Management Plan at least 12 months prior to the opening of the Rozelle Interchange.
A. The future parklands will be managed by Inner West Council and owned by Transport for NSW. This process is being finalised and is not part of the UDLP consultation.
A. Transport for NSW has announced the establishment of a Technical Working Group to determine a range of factors relating to the Rozelle Parklands that are not covered in the UDLP. The group will consist of NSW government agencies, Inner West Council and community members. The Technical Working Group will seek expressions of interest from community members in the coming weeks. Please contact if you have any further questions.
Pedestrian and cyclist paths are shared within the parklands. The pedestrian and cycling implementation strategy within the UDLP provides connectivity between existing and proposed routes for local communities. It provides details of the pedestrian and cyclist routes which will be provided as part of the Rozelle Interchange project.
A. The project has consulted with Inner West Council to ensure the new pedestrian and cyclist links created by the Rozelle Parkland will connect to strategic active transport networks.
Virtual Information Sessions
The live sessions have completed, please select below to watch the recordings.
Watch the webinar recording from 12 Aug 3-4pm

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Watch the webinar recording from 12 Aug 5-6pm

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You can use Chrome, Edge or Firefox for the video, however Safari is not supported.
Make a booking to speak to an expert
For general questions about the Project and construction activities please call the Community team on 1800 660 248.
For further information specific to the UDLP there are limited sessions available to speak with an expert. Bookings can be made here.
Rozelle Interchange UDLP Feedback Form
Project information

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