Questions and Answers from the Virtual Information Session
12 August 2020, 5:00 p.m.
Yes, the project team has future proofed for a potential Light Rail connection underneath the new Victoria Road bridge.
The 12m height of the new lighting is a typical luminaire height. Different luminaire heights will be provided depending on the location generally consistent with the existing lighting.
In terms of light spillage, as the design of the new road layout is different to the existing arrangement, the light spillage comparison would not indicate an accurate representation. The light spillage from the new design is shown in Section 14 of the UDLP. If there are any locations of concern, please send us an email at for further information.
Road signage is designed in accordance with the RMS and Ausgrid standard specifications. The overall road light spillage is shown in Section 14 of the UDLP.
No advertising signage has been designed by The Project and outside of the scope of works.
Whites Creek drainge channel is a Sydney Water asset. The design of the Whites Creek drainge outlets has been developed in consultation with Sydney Water as per the project's requirements.
Providing a green wall is a requirement of the Minister's Conditions of Approval.
The design of the Iron Cove Ventilation building and outlet has been developed with and endorsed by the project's Design Review Panel, and is compliant to the approved project.
Please make a submission on the UDLP.
Please send us an email at so that we can help you find the relevent information.
We value your feedback on this part of the UDLP please make a submission here.
This is not within the scope of the UDLP. Please contact for further information.
The amount and locations of trees are presented throughout the UDLP including a vast number of new trees to be planted in the Rozelle Parklands. Overall, there will be a significant increase of trees as a result of the Project.
As noted in the presentation, the project's principle trees will average 3m in height from day one of installation.
Landscaping and Motorway Operation Control buildings at the Iron Cove Link are shown in the Landscape Design chapter (Chapter 5.7). Additional visualiations of the Motorway Operation Control building at the Iron Cove Link are shown in the Tunnel Services Buildings chapter (Chapter 7.4).
As noted in the presentation, the target for 25% tree canopy cover comes from The Urban Tree Canopy Guide from the Government Architect's Office. We anticipate that the project will exceed this target, noting that one of our key requirements is to provide open space for future recreational uses where canopy cover cannot obviously be provided for example in open space areas. Further information can be found in the Landscape Design chapter (Chapter 5).
Transport for NSW has announced the establishment of a Technical Working Group to determine a range of factors relating to the Rozelle Parklands that are not covered in the UDLP. The group will consist of NSW government agencies, Inner West Council and community members. The Technical Working Group will seek expressions of interest from community members in the coming weeks. Please contact if you have any further questions.
Transport for NSW has announced the establishment of a Technical Working Group to determine a range of factors relating to the Rozelle Parklands that are not covered in the UDLP. The group will consist of NSW government agencies, Inner West Council and community members. The Technical Working Group will seek expressions of interest from community members in the coming weeks. Please contact if you have any further questions.
The design process for the ventilation outlets has been extensive and rigorous. Through this design process, the project's Design Review Panel, JHCPB, TfNSW and the Government Architect have reviewed and established that the ventilation outlets should not be entirely covered with a green wall in order to ensure that the design is sustainable for years to come.
Transport for NSW has announced the establishment of a Technical Working Group to determine a range of factors relating to the Rozelle Parklands that are not covered in the UDLP. The group will consist of NSW government agencies, Inner West Council and community members. The Technical Working Group will seek expressions of interest from community members in the coming weeks. Please contact if you have any further questions.
Waste water from the amenities building will be piped out via a plumbed sewer connection.
Groundwater and stormwater from the operational tunnel will be fully processed through a water treatment plant within the Motorway Operations Centre to meet full environmental water quality standards before being discharged into the adjacent wetlands.
The UDLP does not address operational noise. The project's operational noise model will inform the Operational Noise and Vibration Review (ONVR) in consultation with council, the community and other relevant stakeholders. The ONVR will outline any Operational Noise mitigation measures that are appropriate for the project and a consultation strategy to seek feedback from directly affected landowners on the proposed mitigation measures.
Transport for NSW has announced the establishment of a Technical Working Group to determine a range of factors relating to the Rozelle Parklands that are not covered in the UDLP. The group will consist of NSW government agencies, Inner West Council and community members. The Technical Working Group will seek expressions of interest from community members in the coming weeks. Please contact if you have any further questions.
This detail is outside of the scope of the UDLP, however the playing fields will have a network of subsoil drainage to avoid water logged soils. The soils have been designed by a specialist soil scientist to accommodate the level of compaction expected for local active recreation.
This detail is outside of the scope of the UDLP, however the Brenan Street Bridge is anticipated to open to the public in late 2023.
Rozelle Parklands will be managed by Inner West Council and owned by Transport for NSW.
The project will be implementing the connectivity mandated in the already approved EIS Appendix N - Active Transport Network.
Please contact so that we can understand what information to provide you with.
The UDLP does not address operational noise. The project's operational noise model will inform the Operational Noise and Vibration Review (ONVR) in consultation with council, the community and other relevant stakeholders. The ONVR will outline any Operational Noise mitigation measures that are appropriate for the project and a consultation strategy to seek feedback from directly affected landowners on the proposed mitigation measures.
For clarity purposes, this comment is understood to be refering to the ventilation facilities.
The project has undergrounded as much of the ventilation support buildings as possible whilst still maintaining required heights and technical specifications.
The green wall covering proposed for the ventilation outlets have been provided as part of the Conditions of Approval.
We recognise that air quality is a key community concern with all motorways. Projects such as WestConnex will help to reduce emissions and improve air quality by easing congestion across Sydney. The tunnel ventilation system for WestConnex has been designed in line with the world's best practice and meets strict guidelines on air quality.
Videos and factsheets, including a section on filtration, are available on the Transport for NSW Air Quality Portal.
Rozelle Parklands will be managed by Inner West Council and owned by Transport for NSW.
The UDLP does not address operational noise. The project's operational noise model will inform the Operational Noise and Vibration Review (ONVR) in consultation with council, the community and other relevant stakeholders. The ONVR will outline any Operational Noise mitigation measures that are appropriate for the project and a consultation strategy to seek feedback from directly affected landowners on the proposed mitigation measures.
Functional lighting is designed to reduce light spill. The project will utilise downward lighting and screening to mitigate light spill. Functional lighting is required for security and compliance to the relevant standards.
The UDLP does not address operational noise. The project's operational noise model will inform the Operational Noise and Vibration Review (ONVR) in consultation with council, the community and other relevant stakeholders. The ONVR will outline any Operational Noise mitigation measures that are appropriate for the project and a consultation strategy to seek feedback from directly affected landowners on the proposed mitigation measures.
Please refer to Chapter 5.7 of the UDLP that outlines the proposed landscaping of the pocket parks near Iron Cove Link. If you have require any further information, please send us an email at
The design of the overpass has been lowered so as to consider the visual impacts from the Green Link Bridge. This has been addressed in the EIS Modification 2 which includes visual impacts along City West Link.
The UDLP does not address operational noise. The project's operational noise model will inform the Operational Noise and Vibration Review (ONVR) in consultation with council, the community and other relevant stakeholders. The ONVR will outline any Operational Noise mitigation measures that are appropriate for the project and a consultation strategy to seek feedback from directly affected landowners on the proposed mitigation measures.
Creepers in this area are not currently proposed under the UDLP. Large native trees however are proposed to be planted where space permits to minimise visual impacts of the bridge.
We value your feedback on this part of the UDLP please make a submission here.
Obtrusive views will be filtered though the use of opaque screens along the bridge where required. Tall native trees including Lophostemon confertus and Eucalyptus pilularis are proposed to be planted in the remaining available spaces.
We value your feedback on this part of the UDLP please make a submission here.
Landscaping does not provide a significant reduction in noise.
We value your feedback on this part of the UDLP please make a submission here.
The shared crossing on The Crescent at the Chapman Rd and Johnston St Intersection is proposed to be 6m wide with special pavement treatment to distinguish the crossing from the road pavement.
The recently removed non-compliant footbridge over Victoria Road near Lilyfield Rd will be replaced by an underpass and DDA compliant ramps connecting to Victoria Rd on both sides and stairs on the eastern side.
The Beatrice Bush bridge (east of the Victoria Rd/The Crescent Intersection) is not being replaced as part of the Project.
Accessing Rozelle Bay Foreshore from the western side of Victoria Rd will be in a similar arrangement to the existing conditions, across a signalised level crossing.
Accessing Rozelle Bay Foreshore from the eastern side of Victoria Rd will utilise the underpass and signalised level crossing (as above).
An alternative route to the Rozelle Bay Foreshore is through the Rozelle Parklands, Green Link bridge and a 6m wide level crossing.
The amount and locations of trees are presented throughout the UDLP including a vast number of new trees to be planted in the Rozelle Parklands.
We value your feedback on this part of the UDLP please make a submission here.
The entire parkland edge will match in to the level of Lilyfield Road enabling ease of informal access all the way along. There are also three formalised entry points to the park.
Transport for NSW has announced the establishment of a Technical Working Group to determine a range of factors relating to the Rozelle Parklands that are not covered in the UDLP. The group will consist of NSW government agencies, Inner West Council and community members. The Technical Working Group will seek expressions of interest from community members in the coming weeks. Please contact if you have any further questions.
The bridge over Victoria Road near Lilyfield Rd is replaced an underpass and a DDA compliant ramps connecting to Victoria Rd on both sides and stairs on the eastern side.
The Beatrice Bush bridge (east of the Victoria Rd/The Crescent Intersection) is not being replaced as part of the Project.
The EIS Modification 2 is currently being processed by the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, there will be a signalised, at-grade crossing (up to 6m wide) across The Crescent, which is accessible from the Light Rail platform via a shared user ramp.
The project has designed pedestrian and cyclist access in accordance with design standards and guidelines.
Please make a submission on the UDLP under the Pedestrian and Wayfinding chapter and your feedback will be considered during the development of the final design.
The location of the Brenan St bridge has been optimised during the concept design stage and designed within the avaliable project land.
The project brief is to provide open space future proofed for recreational uses. The parklands as a whole provide a mixture of areas with a combination of open space and planted areas.
We recognise that air quality is a key community concern with most motorways. Projects such as WestConnex will help to reduce emissions and improve air quality by easing congestion across Sydney. The tunnel ventilation system for WestConnex has been designed in line with the world's best practice and meets strict guidelines on air quality.
Ventilation outlets effectively disperse tunnel emissions and ensure there is minimal impact on air quality for local residents. No road tunnels in Australia use a tunnel filtration system. More information can be found in our Air Quality Portal
There is no pedestrian path along the eastern side of the oval.
Please make a submission on the UDLP under the Pedestrian and Wayfinding chapter and your feedback will be considered during the development of the final design.
Transport for NSW has announced the establishment of a Technical Working Group to determine a range of factors relating to the Rozelle Parklands that are not covered in the UDLP. The group will consist of NSW government agencies, Inner West Council and community members. The Technical Working Group will seek expressions of interest from community members in the coming weeks. Please contact if you have any further questions.
This is not within the scope of the UDLP nor the project.
Please contact so that we can understand what information to provide you with.
Planting will be undertaken progressively as the project completes construction in each area. Chapter 5.5 of the UDLP contains indicative timeframes for each location.
Transport for NSW has announced the establishment of a Technical Working Group to determine a range of factors relating to the Rozelle Parklands that are not covered in the UDLP. The group will consist of NSW government agencies, Inner West Council and community members. The Technical Working Group will seek expressions of interest from community members in the coming weeks. Please contact if you have any further questions.
There are three ventilation outlets adjacent to City West Link near the Green Link bridge. The Motorway Operation Complex beyond the western end of the Rozelle Parklands does not have any ventilation outlets.
The EIS Modification 2 is currently being processed by the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, there will be a signalised, at-grade crossing (up to 6m wide) across The Crescent, which is accessible from the Light Rail platform via a shared user ramp.
The one lane overpass includes inner lane widening for safety purposes. With a crossing on the overpass there would be considerable safety implications and a reduction in the level of service to the overpass which defeats the purpose of its introduction in the first instance.
Please contact should you have further questions.
One of the key challenges in this project was dealing with an inevitably immense form. The ventilation outlet dimensions are determined by a team of engineers to be large enough to ventilate the tunnels below. Unfortunately, there was no way to reduce this form. Rather than try to hide them, Studio Chris Fox, the Design Review Panel and the Urban Design Team have worked with the infrastructure outlets as an opportunity to create a framework for the growth of plants and vines. Taking inspiration from plant overgrowth in urban infrastructure, Studio Chris Fox hopes to place emphasis on nature instead of the large ventilation outlets. Whilst they will not be hidden, there is an idea that as the plant growth reclaims the ventilation stacks, there will be continuity with the greenspace of the surrounding parklands.
Dealing with the scale of the ventilation outlets was a key focus for Studio Chris Fox and the urban design and landscape team in developing this project, given that the dimensions were predetermined by the ventilation requirements and also the Minister’s Conditions of Approval. As part of our considered approach for this project was understanding how the outlets would be seen up close and far away at different vantage points across the city. The connecting elements transform the ventilation outlets into a cohesive sculptural form, rather than divided monoliths. Instead, the towers become an opportunity for a sculptural intervention at the urban scale, integrating the overgrowth of plants across the vastness of these forms, just as nature finds its way to reclaim the urban landscape. The connecting elements also span over public space, which we hope will provide an opportunity for community engagement. The artwork is not just a facade, but it creates a space that can be occupied and enjoyed.
Virtual Information Sessions
The live sessions have completed, please select below to watch the recordings.
Watch the webinar recording from 12 Aug 3-4pm

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Watch the webinar recording from 12 Aug 5-6pm

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Make a booking to speak to an expert
For general questions about the Project and construction activities please call the Community team on 1800 660 248.
For further information specific to the UDLP there are limited sessions available to speak with an expert. Bookings can be made here.
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