Explore our interactive map to see the project alignment and key information about the proposed design and construction of the project.
Transport for NSW has revised its bridge construction method for the viaduct over the Hunter River.
For more information, please visit here – nswroads.work/m12rt-bridgeconstruction
Please note: This interactive map contains information from the M1 Pacific Motorway extension to Raymond Terrace Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) which was published in August 2021. Since then, our project design and planning has continued to progress, including the release of the Submissions Report in May 2022.
For the latest project information, please visit the documents section of our portal or contact our team.
For our current work activities and construction notifications, click here.
Work is currently under on the M1 to Raymond Terrace project. Please use this page to view the latest updates on the development of the M1RT. These construction notifications are regularly updated by the team. Please contact us if you have any further questions related to the project.
This is your chance to speak to the project team about the REF
Construction notifications to appear here when available.
The EIS exhibition and submissions process is handled by the Department of Planning, Infrastructure and Environment (DPIE).
To learn about how to make a submission, please click here.
Please click here to make a formal submission.
If you have any feedback in regards to the EIS submissions process, please contact DPIE on majorprojectssupport@planning.nsw.gov.au.
Sydney Gateway is inviting feedback on its concept design. Our team will be in Tempe, Mascot and Wolli Creek from Monday 27 May to Friday 21 June.
Come and meet the team and learn more about the project.
We welcome your feedback throughout all stages of the planning process of Sydney Gateway and look forward to your thoughts on the concept design.
We will be in the community, to understand the needs of local residents and businesses.
We will be in the community, to understand the needs of local residents and businesses.
The REF describes the key features of the M1 to Raymond Terrace project and assesses the potential environmental and social impacts during construction and operation.
The REF document also makes recommendations on measures to manage and minimise potential impacts from the project.
The REF covers topics such as noise, vibration, traffic, air quality, flooding, Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal heritage, and socio-economic, agricultural property and biodiversity impacts.
The REF display is an opportunity for the community to make comment on the environmental impacts and mitigations for the proposed upgrade.
Use the interactive map to learn more about the project
You can make a submission on the EIS to the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE) either online or by posting a letter.
To make a submission online, create a user account on DPIE's Major Projects website. To create a user account click the ‘Sign In’ icon in the top right of the homepage or under the ‘Services’ tab and then click the ‘Have Your Say’ link.
When you are logged in, find the project you want to have your say on, and click the 'Make a Submission' icon.
Anyone can make a submission about the project within the exhibition period, which runs from XXXXX.
Before making your submission, please read DPIE's Privacy Statement or telephone 1300 305 695 for a copy. DPIE will publish your submission on its website in accordance with its Privacy Statement.
If you cannot lodge your submission online, you can write to:
Attention: Director - Transport Assessments
Planning and Assessment
Department of Planning, Industry and Environment
GPO Box 39
If you want DPIE to delete your personal information before publication, please make this clear at the top of your letter. If you post or hand deliver your submission, it needs to be received by DPIE before the close of the exhibition period and include the following:
To find out what is reportable, and for a disclosure form, visit the Donations and Gift Disclosure page or telephone 1300 305 695 for a copy. Note the disclosure requirements apply however a submission is made.
For more information on making a submission about this project, please call DPIE on 1300 305 695.
We are planning to finalise and publicly display the EIS for the M1 Extension to Raymond Terrace project in 2021.
Timing for construction is not confirmed and is subject to approval and funding availability.
We will keep the community and key stakeholders informed as the project progresses.
Drag the slider from the left to right to compare the existing road layout to the designed road layout.
The project has sought to firstly avoid and then minimise impacts to Aboriginal heritage within and next to the construction footprint. During construction partial and whole impacts to Aboriginal sites are expected within the construction footprint.
A total of five Aboriginal Focus Group meetings were held for the project.
Additionally, a cultural values assessment was carried out which included consultation with knowledge holders. The information that was provided contributed to an understanding of the cultural values of the broader landscape within which the project is located.
Archaeological assessment for the project included desktop assessment, field survey, test excavation and assessment of significance.
A total of 446 test pits were excavated in 15 locations within the study area. In total, 3,026 stone artefacts were recovered during the test excavation program and later analysed.
A total of 26 archaeological sites and potential archaeological deposits have been identified within the study area and directly impacted by the project.
These impacts would be managed through various management measures such as salvage excavation, artefact collection and detailed analysis.
An Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Management Plan would be prepared in consultation with Registered Aboriginal Parties, and include procedures for carrying out artefact salvage and protection measures to be applied during construction.
Transport for NSW (“we”) are collecting your personal information in connection with public consultation on the M1 Pacific Motorway extension to Raymond Terrace (“the Program”). We will retain and use this information for consultation purposes, including communications and analysis in connection with the Program.
We may share your submission or complaint with another NSW government agency where relevant having regard to the nature of the submission or complaint. Otherwise, except for anonymous information which does not identify you, we will not publish or disclose your personal information to any third parties without your consent unless authorised by law.
Providing your personal information is voluntary but if you do not provide it we may not include you on our stakeholder database and you might miss further consultation opportunities.
Your personal information will be held and managed by Transport for NSW in accordance with the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 and you can contact us to access or correct it. Please email us at M1RT@transport.nsw.gov.au, write to us at Transport for NSW, Locked Bag 2030, Newcastle NSW 2300, or call us on 1800 094 895.
This statement relates to content available on the Transport for NSW M1 Pacific Motorway extension to Raymond Terrace portal (https://caportal.com.au/tfnsw/m1rt).
This website has been developed with the aim to be available to the widest possible audience, including those using assistive technology or accessibility features.
Ongoing monitoring and development is part of our strategy and we strive to comply with W3C's Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.
At times, we publish documents and publications received from third parties. These third party documents may not adhere to the standards followed by Transport for NSW.
If you have any questions or comments about this statement or have problems accessing information or functions on this site please contact us.
This site contains information in portable document format (PDF). These files are made available so information is easy to download and is portable.
Some documents on this website may not conform with W3C's Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. If you encounter any problems accessing documents in PDF format please contact us.
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