Frequently asked questions
Pedestrian and cyclist paths are shared within the parklands. The pedestrian and cycling implementation strategy within the UDLP provides connectivity between existing and proposed routes for local communities. It provides details of the pedestrian and cyclist routes which will be provided as part of the Rozelle Interchange project.
A. The urban design component of the project will provide a major benefit to the Rozelle community. The provision of around 9.5 hectares of green space will allow connectivity from the new parkland at the old Rozelle Rail Yards to the Rozelle Bay, as well as opportunities for adding to the cultural identity of the precinct. The exhibition and feedback process enables the community to take part in creating this legacy. The UDLP is a design plan required by the Minister’s Conditions of Approval (E133 and E134). The document details aspects of urban design and landscaping the project is required to include in the UDLP.
The Rozelle Interchange project will prepare a Water Reuse Strategy which sets out options for the reuse of collected stormwater and groundwater during the operation of the project. The Water Reuse Strategy does not form part of the UDLP and will be developed following confirmation of the project’s groundwater model. Please contact if you have any further questions.
Welcome to the Rozelle Interchange Project Construction Portal
Thank you for visiting the Rozelle Interchange Project Construction Portal.
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Note: you can toggle between the Tunnelling work map and Construction work map at anytime once inside.
How to use the portal:
- Select from current work notifications or zoom in on an area of interest.
- Click a hotspot on the map or a card from the sidebar to find out more
- Turn map layers off and on in the drop-down menu next to the search bar in the map window
Welcome to the Rozelle Interchange Project Construction Portal
Thank you for visiting the Rozelle Interchange Project Construction Portal.
Please select your preferred notification map below.
Note: you can toggle between the Tunnelling work map and Construction work map at anytime once inside.
How to use the portal:
- Select from current work notifications or Zoom in on an area of interest.
- Click to find out more
- Turn Map Layers off and on in the drop-down menu next to the search bar in the map window
Current Nightwork
Contact us
Phone: 1800 660 248
In person: 84 Lilyfield Rd, Rozelle 2039
To make a complaint or enquiry about this work or the Rozelle Interchange project, please fill out the following details.
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Ask the project series
RSVP to the Rozelle Interchange community event at Rozelle Railyards
Saturday 27 November between 9AM – 12PM
please fill out the following details
This is a COVID-safe event and that residents need to be fully vaxxed to attend
Ask the project series
To RSVP to the Iron Cove community event
Tuesday 7 December between 4PM and 6PM
please fill out the following details
This is a COVID-safe event and that residents need to be fully vaxxed to attend