Cadia Continued Operations Project

About the EIS

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As part of the CCOP assessment process, an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) will be developed. A Social Impact Assessment (SIA) will also be prepared as a key part of the EIS.

The SIA will be informed by a comprehensive community engagement program and be prepared in accordance with the Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) SIA Guideline and Undertaking Engagement Guidelines for State Significant Projects.

Cadia has commissioned Umwelt Environmental and Social Consultants to assist with the preparation of the EIS and SIA.

The EIS will describe the key features of the CCOP and assesses the potential environmental and social impacts during both its construction and operation. The EIS document will also make recommendations on ways to manage and minimise potential impacts from the proposed project.

The EIS will cover topics such as social impact, economic impacts, visual impacts, air quality, noise, vibration, traffic, surface and groundwater, Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal heritage, soils and agriculture and biodiversity impacts amongst others.

The CCOP is currently in Scoping Phase which is the first phase of the formal assessment process in NSW. The scoping phase helps determine the detailed studies that need to be undertaken as part of the EIS, including the approach to engaging with the community and other stakeholders.

The flowchart below shows the assessment process which will be undertaken for CCOP. As you can see, engagement with community and stakeholders continues throughout this process.

This website will provide regular updates on the CCOP. It will also provide opportunities to feedback on environmental and social issues and matters that the community would like to see considered in the EIS.

To register for updates and find out more, visit the ‘How can I be involved?’ page.

EIS flowchart Where are we up to now Upcoming CCOP Information Sessions How can I be involved

EIS Flowchart
eis flowchart newmont cadia
Where we are up to now
  1. Scoping phase

    The CCOP is currently in the Scoping phase.

    Scoping is the first phase of the formal environmental impact assessment process in NSW. Scoping identifies the matters and impacts that are likely to be relevant to the project and the required level of assessment for each environmental and social issue to be addressed in the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).

    The scoping phase includes the Secretary’s Environmental Assessment Requirements (SEARs) being issued by the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE). The SEARs provide clear direction on what needs to be assessed in the EIS, how it should be assessed and to what level of detail.

    An important part of the scoping process involves engaging with the local community and other stakeholders. More than 45 meetings have been conducted by the Cadia team to date with interested stakeholders, including landholders, State Government agencies and local councils.

    These meetings have provided valuable feedback, assisting Cadia to further refine the proposed CCOP concepts and scope.

    In addition to meetings scheduled and held by Cadia personnel, Umwelt has also conducted over 50 personal interviews with neighbouring landholders and members of special interest groups to understand views on the likely social impacts of the project. These will be further explored during the SIA, as part of the Environmental Impact Statement for the Project.

    There will be ongoing opportunities for community participation and feedback throughout future stages of the assessment process for the CCOP.

    If you would like to speak with a member of the Umwelt Social Team at about the SIA process please contact Participation is completely voluntary, and you may remain anonymous if you choose. All information you provide is confidential and will remain so in analysis and reporting.

  2. EIS phase

    The EIS phase involves the formal assessment of the matters and impacts identified during the Scoping Phase. The EIS is quite a technical document which aims to provide a technical analysis and a detailed understanding of impacts and mitigation measures by those with an interest, responsibility or expertise in specific matters.

    There will also be a summary of these matters in non-technical language for those who wish to understand the project at a more general level.

    The EIS is required to demonstrate how any impacts associated with the CCOP have been minimised, mitigated and/or offset, along with a discussion on alternatives considered in planning the development. The EIS must provide clear justification that the CCOP is in the public interest and the effects of any residual impacts are outweighed by the benefits of the development.

    The EIS will be managed and prepared by Umwelt (Australia) Pty Ltd. Over 10 individual specialist consultancies have also been engaged to complete the technical assessments for the EIS. Current guidelines require that the EIS is prepared by a Registered Environmental Assessment Practitioner, in accordance with comprehensive set of guidelines produced by the NSW Department of Planning, Industry & Environment (DPIE), to improve confidence and ensure quality assurance in the assessment process.

    Throughout the preparation of the EIS, consultation with community, government and other stakeholders will continue, with the scope of works associated with the EIS and technical studies reviewed and updated as required. Community stakeholders will also be updated on the outcomes of environmental assessments in accordance with engagement protocols established during the Scoping Phase.

    At the conclusion of the EIS Phase, the EIS will be placed on public exhibition with community and government stakeholders invited to review and comment on the outcomes presented in the EIS and CCOP generally. The NSW DPE and other government agencies will review the EIS as part of the Assessment Phase where submissions made on the CCOP will be carefully considered.

  3. Assessment phase

    Once the EIS is placed on public exhibition, the Assessment Phase will commence. This phase, effectively managed by the NSW DPE, involves the detailed assessment of the EIS against guidelines, policies and impact assessment criteria.

    In completing this assessment, the NSW DPE will take into account technical assessments undertaken by other government agencies, as well as the comments and questions of any submissions made on the CCOP.

    Where submissions, or the DPE’s own assessment, identifies matters where there is uncertainty over the proposed development, impacts or management, the NSW DPE will request further clarification or assessment before completing its assessment.

    Once responses to requests for further information have been made, the NSW DPE will complete its assessment of the EIS and CCOP and refer its Assessment Report and recommendations to the determining authority.

    If there are less than 50 unique objections lodged, all relevant local Council’s support the development application and the Proponent has made no donations to political parties, the development application may be determined by the Minister for Planning (or under delegation by executive officers of the DPIE on behalf of the Minister).

    If the number of unique objections exceeds 50, one or more local Council’s object, or where the Proponent has made donations to political parties, the CCOP will be referred to the Independent Planning Commission (IPC) for determination.

    Following determination, a period of 28 days is available to any objector to refer the decision to the Land and Environment Court (L&E Court). The Proponent can lodge an appeal against a determination with the L & E Court within six months of the decision.

Recent CCOP Information Sessions

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Thursday 22 February 2024

Friday 23 February 2024

Saturday 24 February 2024

Sunday 25 February 2024

Monday 26 February 2024