
Local jobs

Cadia is the largest employer in the region, with around 1500 people in full time equivalent roles. Of these roles, around 85 percent of the workforce live in or around the region. Extending our Life of Mine Beyond 2031 will ensure continued employment for current staff for an additional 25 years and additional jobs during development and construction.

Local goods and services

An extension of Cadia’s mining operations for another 25 years provides certainty for local and regional business partners that currently work with Cadia, as well as opportunities for other prospective local suppliers to partner with us.

Community Investment

Cadia’s operations contribute to the local community through partnership programs that support schools, health facilities and community groups in Orange, Cabonne and Blayney.

Employees also voluntarily support many community organisations in the region. 

Between July 2022 and December 2023, Cadia invested almost $6 million towards supporting local community programs, education and infrastructure. 

More information on our ongoing community investment programs is available on the Newmont Cadia website.


Local Government Voluntary Planning Agreements

Cadia has long supported the Orange City, Blayney and Cabonne Shire Councils through Voluntary Planning Agreements. Voluntary Planning Agreements support collaborative partnerships between Cadia and the Councils to deliver outcomes for the local community. These outcomes include road upgrades and initiatives to address social amenity and community infrastructure in each Local Government Area.


CCOP aligns with Commonwealth and NSW government policies to maximise the efficient recovery of the state’s mineral resources to facilitate sustainable management and growth of mineral resources and high-tech metals, such as copper and molybdenum, to support the transition to a lower carbon economy. Continued mining of resources at Cadia maximises the use of existing infrastructure and facilities.