It is important to us that our community is fully informed about the CCOP and have the opportunity to participate in the planning process and provide feedback.

Community involvement and input also underpins the Social Impact Assessment (SIA) process that is being undertaken as a part of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), to ensure that the matters of most importance to our community and stakeholders are understood and inform the planning and assessment of the Project.

Key aspects of the SIA process are shown in the graphic below.

how can I be involved infographic

Cadia has commissioned Umwelt Environmental and Social Consultants to assist with the preparation of the EIS and SIA. Both Cadia and Umwelt have contacted a range of community members and stakeholders who may have an interest in the CCOP to further understand the views, interests and concerns of these stakeholders.

Ongoing opportunities for community participation and feedback will continue throughout each stage of the assessment process. This website will provide regular updates on CCOP and inform the community of the key stages of the project. It will also provide opportunities to feedback on environmental and social issues and matters that the community would like to see considered in the EIS.

If you would like to speak with a member of the Umwelt Social Team at about the SIA process or make a contribute to the SIA please contact Participation is completely voluntary, and you may remain anonymous if you choose. All information you provide is confidential and will remain so in analysis and reporting.

You can also find presentations and transcripts from previous community meetings on the ‘Project Info Sheets and Meeting Presentations’ page.

It is important to us that all people in our community are well informed about the CCOP. Want to stay updated and Have Your Say in the planning process?’

Fill in the Have Your Say form.

Have a question or query? Call the Cadia Community Line on 1800 716 864

CCOP Community Engagement Timeline